Archive | December, 2010

Well, moving and not so moving.

2 Dec

Moving to a new blog address. Will open it with a food post on Singapore.

Wait for it! 🙂
I will miss this blog though.

i will always be an undercover chef. =)

undercover chef

1 Dec

i’m really really thinking of changing the name of the blog.
I want to keep undercover and drop the chef.
The Amazing World of the Undercover Foodie? doesn’t ring a bell.

I’ve had a bad time calling myself a chef, although I do make stuff and sell em, I do have a culinary degree, I do have a catering business, my food’s been featured in some magazines, but it just doesn’t pan out.

I love food, and I want to create, but my passion in it is lacking.
Hence, I really can’t comfortably call myself a chef.

haha! here’s the dilemma, what to name the new blog.

Pizza hut’s lechon pizza: Pizza on Crack

1 Dec

I sit here and I’m staring into space.
I just ate two slices of the pizza and I just want to lie here and stare into my empty plate or sleep, or both, if i could possibly manage it. hehe.

Where am I? Pizza Hut in Glorietta, blogging event. Iya’s at my right, no one’s at my left (or is it vice versa?)and pizza is in front of me.


My first slice was the leftovers of the first group that ate. I was asked if I wanted to eat a fresh/hot one. I said nay as I’ve always thought the mark of a great pizza is in it’s inherent ability (wow gawan ng powers ang pagkain) to be yummy straight out of the refrigerator, also known as eating it straight out of the ref.

The first slice was yummy, cold and all. The taste was different. Garlic bread/pizza with lechon cracklings and tasty meat. I tried it with lechon sauce—yummy! I tried it with hotsauce and the lechon sauce and I liked it more. I tried it with ketchup— it actually tasted like I was eating porkchops with ketchup.

In a nutshell, I was pretty darned happy with it.

Next up, a fresh pizza arrived and I got another slice—and that my friends was a mistake. Not the pizza, the getting of another slice.

You have to understand that I’ve been on a sort of dieting “journey” almost this whole year and certainly THIS is not diet food.

So halfway the slice, I realized I could not finish it, but I liked the pizza and i’m not a fan of food going to waste (hence the pants size) so I scraped off the toppings and ate it.

Now, I’m staring into space.
I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing, but I am definitely full and I do want to go back and eat the pizza again. But next time, maybe with a salad on the side, and I’ll ask that the party slices be sliced to 16, that way I can get one slice while seemingly getting two servings. (hello dieting tip alert!)

Hehe.. And I’ll still order it with still my favorite kiwi iced tea. 🙂

Now, the bloggers are taking pictures, the guy beside me is stopping at one slice. I understand him.

Like all good things in life, i believe that one sometimes should always partake…but not too much, then it just becomes bad.

Now, the bloggers are all taking pictures. Someone is on his 2nd slice, methinks someone will join me later….
staring into space with a stupefied grin on my face.

It is one of those things that you classify into, as the song by the strokes goes.. you only live once! 🙂

Note: The pizza? It’s good. Get some while it’s still here. It’s like one of those things that you should totally try because you never know WHEN or IF it’ll be back, like that Watermelon Shampoo that was out during summer a while back. Things that you can’t find when the season ends.

Another note: i just found out someone actually had 4 slices. So it can be done. He’s still alive.

**some photos from Iya Santos from; some photos from the trusty blackberry